Here at Inter-link we like to ask what your POS can do for you, not what you can do for you POS. What does this mean? We see I-lube like a tailored business suit: It needs to fit, and fit right.
We're willing to customize I-lube anyway you want. Have a great feature that you think would help the system? Let's add it.
We will tailor I-lube for your business. We will tailor I-lube to do what you want. In fact, the sky is the limit- there isn't anything we can't add, and there isn't anything we will not add.

You're not purchasing an off-the-shelf cookie cutter piece of software. We're passionate about the fast lube business and we're passionate about our software. We're constantly adding new features by listening to our customers. Small programming fees may apply to certain customizations, but then you can have the I-lube you want.
Tired of being told no? Have a great idea for your POS that you need for your business? Call us. We can do that.