Most of our competitors provide updates to their POS program or their chek-chart vehile data through "snail-mail"; the regular mail system. You wait, wait, and finally receive these updates maybe 4 times a year, maybe less.
At Inter-link, we do things a little differently. Last year we launched the industries first "Auto-Updater". That's right a program you can run our auto-updater every month (or every week if you wish) and this will auomatically update i-lube, the check-chart information, vehicle filter catalogs and vin scanning data- all seamlessly and all automatically. |
Q: what benefits does the i-lube auto-updater provide?
Data! Information! You will always be up-to-date with the filter catalogs, chek-chart data, and vin scanning data. No more waiting for a CD in the mail! No more missing out on a sale because the computer data was out of date. With i-lube, it's just that simple.